
Καλή συνέχεια Αλέξη...

.,, Γράφει ο Παναγιώτης Μπαζιωτόπουλος Οικονομολόγος - Επιχειρησιακός Ερευνητής .,, Εν μέσω της συστηματικ...

Γράφει ο Παναγιώτης Μπαζιωτόπουλος
Οικονομολόγος - Επιχειρησιακός Ερευνητής
Εν μέσω της συστηματικής χυδαιολογίας όσων ανεγκέφαλων επιμένουν να κρύβουν τη δειλία και την ανεπάρκειά τους πίσω απο την ανωνυμία, θα συνεχίσουμε να αρθρώνουμε πολιτικό λόγο έστω γιαυτους που πιστεύουν και συντηρούν ακόμα τον τίτλο άνθρωπος.
Θα συνεχίσουμε να αντιμετωπίζουμε με ονοματεπώνυμο τη δειλία της ανωνυμίας και της συσκότισης του πολιτικού λόγου που επιδιώκουν οι άναρθροι κρωγμοί τους...
Δεν θα μπορέσουμε έτσι να αγνοήσουμε το τελευταίο φημολογούμενο ατόπημα του ΓΑΠ, να καλέσει τον Χρήστο Λαμπράκη για να βολιδοσκοπήσει τις διαθέσεις του σχετικά με τη δημοσιοποίηση της δημοσκόπησης που φέρνει σε απόσταση αναπνοής τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ απο το ΠΑΣΟΚ.
Εάν πρόκειται για πραγματικό τηλεφώνημα με στόχο έστω την έμμεση φίμωση του Τύπου, πρόκειται για ακραία αντιδημοκρατική ενέργεια που αφαιρεί απο οποιονδήποτε τον τίτλο αλλά και τον χαρακτήρα του εν’ ενεργεία πολιτικού...
Εύχομαι να είναι αναληθής η σχετική είδηση διοτι τότε το ΠΑΣΟΚ έκλεισε πραγματικά τον κύκλο του δι ονόματος και πράξεων του αρχηγού του.
Απο την άλλη, η είδηση δεν θα πρέπει να λειτουργήσει ως προβοκάτσια ενδυναμώνοντας μια πρόωρη και αβασάνιστη υπεραισιοδοξία στο στρατόπεδο του Τσίπρα.
Θα ήταν καλύτερα εάν ο Τσίπρας αντιμετώπιζε ενα πολιτικό επιτελείο συρρικνωμένο μεν αλλά με ήθος μαχόμενο για το ΠΑΣΟΚ ώστε να έχει πάντα την δυνατότητα να ρίξει γέφυρες συνεργασίας την επομένη των εκλογών παρά να αντιμετωπίσει το όνειδος της συναλλαγής με μία ματωμένη ηγεσία που θα τον τραβήξει στο έδαφος τη στιγμή που είχε αρχίσει να πετά...
Σε κάθε περίπτωση εάν επιβεβαιωνόταν μια τόσο επαίσχυντη διαμεσολάβηση ενός ανεγνωρισμένου για το ήθος του πολιτικού αρχηγού όπως ο ΓΑΠ στα ΜΜΕ, θα σήμαινε το τέλος ενός κόμματος που διαμόρφωσε την σύγχρονη Ελληνική ιστορία με τις θετικές αλλά και τις αρνητικές του πρωτοβουλίες και ενέργειες...
Ευελπιστώ οτι σε καμία περίπτωση μια τέτοια εξέλιξη δεν θα πληγώσει το δημοκρατικό μας πολίτευμα που πιστεύω ότι έχει βαθύτερες ρίζες στην δημοκρατική συνείδηση και ευθύνη των Ελλήνων πολιτών.
Η πίστη στη δημοκρατική συνείδηση εκφράζεται άλλωστε απο τον φρέσκο αέρα που πνέει και στην μεγάλη συντηρητική κοσμοκράτειρα, τις ΗΠΑ. Παρά τις μεγάλες διαφορές θέσεων και περιστάσεων οι παράλληλοι βίοι των Τσίπρα – Ομπάμα αποδεικνύουν οτι ο κόσμος κουράστηκε με τα στερεότυπα και θέλει να νιώσει την φρεσκάδα της αλλαγής, να την δει στα μάτια των εκφραστών της, να την διαγνώσει στη λογική των απλών επιχειρημάτων τους και να πάρει κουράγια για το αύριο...
Καλή συνέχεια Αλέξη... και σε σένα Ομπάμα...

150 σχόλια







  2. ΤΙ ανακατεύουμε τον Ομπάμα;

    Γιατί τσιμπάμε τόσο εύκολα, σε ότι μοιάζει φρέσκο; Αυτό μας αφορά μόνο,όταν αγοράζουμε κουτσομούρες !

    Ο αναρωτιέται όπως κι οι περισσότεροι σκεπτόμενοι, ΤΙ εκπροσωπεί αυτή η "φρεσκάδα". Απαντήσεις, ώστε να πιστούμε, δεν έχουν φανεί ακόμη.

    Προς τι ο ενθουσιασμός λοιπόν;

  3. Γέμισε το blog με μπάζα

  4. Σταυρωστε με σταυρωστε με
    Κι απο τον κωλο χωστε με!


  5. Φίλε μου με το ΠΑΣΟΚ δεύτερο και το Συνασπισμό τρίτο κόμμα το εκλογικό σύστημα δεν επιφέρει συνεργασίες του 2ου και του 3ου .
    Εάν η Νέα Δημοκρατία και ο Καραμανλής είναι κυβέρνηση και στις επόμενες εκλογές , μαύρο φίδι που μας έφαγε.
    Με 151 βουλευτές και μας έχει ξετινάξει, που να έχει και άνετη πλειοψηφία , θα τα ξεπουλήσει όλα και τα 1000€ μισθό δεν θα φτάνουν ούτε για το super Market.
    Κατά την γνώμη μου καλύτερα να υπάρξει συνεργασία ΠΑΣΟΚ - Συνασπισμού λίγο πριν τις Εκλογές.
    Αυτό θα είναι καλύτερο για όλους μας και για το Συνασπισμό ακόμα καλύτερο, γιατί θα έχει την ευκαιρία να πάρει ότι ζητήσει και παράλληλα νέο αίμα να βρεθεί στη διακυβέρνηση της χώρας.
    Το ΠΑΣΟΚ σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα συνεργαστεί με την Νέα Δημοκρατία γιατί αυτό θα σηματοδοτήσει και την οριστική διάλυση του.

  6. Ρε μαλάκα του άντε πιάνε καμία δουλεία γαμώτο στανιό μου που περιμένεις ως κράχτης πορνοϋπηρεσιών να πάρεις τα ποσοστά σου.

    Πόσα βγάζεις ρε μπινέ ως κράχτης;

    Βγάζεις 20 ευρώ το μήνα;

    Αν νομίζεις ότι έτσι θα βγάλεις το εύκολο χρήμα είσαι γελασμένος.

    Έξω οι ψευτο τσαστάδες από το πρεσσσσσσσσ... Λαμόγιο για το πούτσο.

  7. ...άφησε τα αμερικανοπασοκια να λένε ότι θέλουν. Αν εγκαταλείψεις
    την ριζοσπαστικότητα για χάρη της καρέκλας και της εξουσίας οι νέοι
    που σε στηρίζουνε θα φύγουν τροχάδην.


  9. Αντί να ψάχνετε εκβιαστές στα blogs, μπουζουριάστε κ. Αλογοσκούφη και κ. Παυλόπουλε και κ. Φώλια τους αληθινούς εκβιαστές: τους τραμπούκους συνδικαλιστές της ΔΕΗ που σας εκβιάζουν και μας εκβιάζουν ατιμώρητοι και παχυλά μισθοδοτούμενοι και συνταξιοδοτούμενοι.

  10. Η χυδαιότητα δηλαδή είναι καλή μόνο όταν είναι επώνυμη;

  11. "...Εν μέσω της συστηματικής χυδαιολογίας όσων ανεγκέφαλων επιμένουν να κρύβουν τη δειλία και την ανεπάρκειά τους πίσω απο την ανωνυμία, θα συνεχίσουμε να αρθρώνουμε πολιτικό λόγο έστω γιαυτους που πιστεύουν και συντηρούν ακόμα τον τίτλο άνθρωπος....."

    Νομίζεις ότι αρθρώνεις πολιτικό λόγο;

    Αντε παράτα μας ρε σαχλαμάρα, επώνυμε, που σε λίγο θα καβαλήσεις και καλάμι.

    Το έγραψες μια φορά, το έγραψες δύο. Σου γράψανε κόψε τις μαλακίες. Αγνόησες τους πα΄ντες και μόστραρες την "σοφία σου", μη και χαθεί.

    Ασχολήσου με τα οικονομικά σου και κόψε τις ανοησίες.

    Μη ξανατολμήσεις να χυδαιολογήσεις με υπονοούμενα για τον ΓΑΠ.

    Το αν θα διαλυθεί ή όχι το ΠΑΣΟΚ, άσε να το δεί το ίδιο.
    Τις συμβουλές σου εκεί που σου τις ζητάνε.

  12. Ρε xman από τις κοτσάνες που γράφεις περιμένεις να βγάλεις κανένα φράγκο;

    Αν ήταν τόσο τρομερή η επιτυχία του site σου δε θα σπαμάριζες εδώ για να σε βρίζει όλος ο κόσμος.

  13. Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








  14. 1.00

    Νομίζω, ότι δεν μπορούμε θεωρητικά να στηρίζουμε συνεργασίες, χωρίς να γνωρίζουμε ποιές αρχές εκπροσωπούν τα επιμέρους μέλη της.

    Οι καλύτερες ιδέες σε αυτό τον τόπο στην εφαρμογή, χωλαίνουν.

    Καιρός δεν είναι, να γίνουμε πιο διερευνητικοί;

    Δείγματα γραφής απο το
    "νέο πολιτικό" προιόν δεν έχουμε δει ακόμη, πέρα απο ωραία χαμόγελα. Ομως δε μιλάμε για προώθηση οδοντόπαστας. Μιλάμε για ένα σύστημα σε κρίση, που χρειάζεται πραγματικά, ουσιαστικές και στοιβαρές προσωπικότητες.

    Στα πλαίσια αυτού του χώρου, ας αναδειχθούν (κι όχι επιβληθούν) οι άριστοι...ΓΙΝΕΤΑΙ ΟΜΩΣ;

  15. Ερώτημα κρίσεως είναι τούτο και το θέτω προς τον ίδιο μου τον εαυτό.
    Ποιος ο λόγος να ψηφίζω ΣΥΡΙΖΑ εάν υπάρχει ενδεχόμενο συνεργασίας με το ΠΑΣΟΚ;

    Ψηφίζω ΣΥΡΙΖΑ για να μην ψηφίσω ΠΑΣΟΚ. Άλλως θα ψήφιζα ΠΑΣΟΚ.

    Η κόκα κόλα είναι καλύτερη σκέτη. Το ουίσκι θα το πιω με πάγο.

  16. Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








    Dear Bloopers θα σας πω τι ακριβως μου θυμιζετε.








  17. Βασικά το συριζα έχει ύποπτες σχέσεις και περίεργες κινήσεις σχετικά με"αναρχό-οικολογικές επεμβάσεις" οι οποίες ήδη αναγνωρίζουν τα σκόπια ως "Δημοκρατία Μάκεδονίας"!!!!
    Καλά θα κάνει ο Αλεξάκης να πάρει ελάχιστα φιλοεθνικά μέτρα........

    δείτε εδώ σε αφίσα

    μάλλον αναγνώρισαν την γκάφα τους και το κατέβασαν, κάλά θα κάνει ο Αλεξάκης να βγάλει απο πάνω του την στάμπα ως ασύλου θεωρητικών γνωστών αγνώστων,

  18. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  19. Ο Μεσσίας να κάνει και θαύματα ...
    αλλιώς είναι δημιούργημα ψηφιακό...

    Εκεί όπου δεν συγκρούεται με κανένα από τα μεγάλα συμφέροντα , εκεί που δεν έρχεται σε ρίξει παρά μόνο με την Κυβέρνηση, εκεί βλέπουμε τον Τσίπρα να πηγαίνει και να εμφανίζεται.

    Ένθερμος οικολόγος και οπαδός του πρασίνου δηλώνει . Έχουμε μια ερώτηση κύριε Τσίπρα για σας, Γιατί δεν παίρνεται θέση και μαζί με αυτή και τις κάμερες να πάτε μια βόλτα στον ελαιώνα , στο χώρο που θα γίνει το νέο γήπεδο του Παναθηναϊκού για να δείτε το Οικολογικό έγκλημα που συντελείτε από τον γνωστό και μη εξαιρετέο κύριο Βωβό και τον άλλο γνωστό επίσης κύριο Βαρδινογιάννη;

    Για την κυβέρνηση δεν λεμέ τίποτα, αφού αυτή συναίνεσε στο έγκλημα, για την αξιωματική αντιπολίτευση, τα λόγια είναι περιττά, μιλάν τα έργα και οι καταπατημένες εκτάσεις και τα οικολογικά εξαμβλώματα της κηφισίας .

    Την δική σας θέση περιμένουμε, έργα και δράση.
    Όταν θέλετε να κάνετε παρέμβαση στην πολιτική ζωή και να φέρεται νέο αέρα διακυβέρνησης αυτα είναι τα συμφέροντα στα οποία πρέπει να αντιπαρατεθείτε, και όχι ο θυρωρός του ΟΤΕ.

    Περιμένουμε την εμφάνιση ...

  20. @1:17 πμ ρε κουράδα πως πετάχτηκες ανάμεσα σε τόσους κώλους;



  22. ό τσίπρας είναι καλός για αντίβαρο......στο πασόκ
    αλλά η γραμμή της παράταξης του δεν έχει καμία σχέση με τα Ελληνικά δεδομένα ............
    καλύτερα στην Ολανδία.... τσίπρα.

  23. Πολλους απο σας διακατεχει ο φοβος του αγνωστου και του καινουργιου,η μηπως ο φοβος οτι ειστε τελειωμενοι ξωφλημενοι και λαμογια που τοσα χρονια σας φαγαμε στην μαπα??
    Οπως και να εχει εγω που σας εχω ψηφισει και τα 2 μεγαλα κομματα για να δω καλυτερη μερα προτιμω να το ρισκαρω με ενα ατομο τις ηλικιας μου που βλεπει το αυριο με ΧΑΜΟΓΕΛΟ και οχι με χαλασμενα αμαξια που χρειαζωντε αποσυρση.
    Ο τσιπρας ειτε το θελετε ειτε οχι θα μπει με σουζες στη βουλη και ευχωμε σαν τελευταια ελπιδα που μου εχει μηνει να σας στειλει ολους εσας που κυβερνουσατε τοσα χρονια στην συνταξη. ΚΥΡΙΟΙ ΔΕΞΙΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΟΙ ΕΧΕΤΕ ΑΠΟΤΥΧΗ.




  25. Χωριάτη νευράκια. Τι σου φταίει ο άνθρωπος? Μια γνώμη είπε

    Σου είχα πει ο ΓΑΠ θα το τελειώσει το ΠΑΣΟΚ και το έκανε. Μη τα ρίχνεις τώρα στον Μπαζιωτόπουλο...


    ΤΣΙΠΡΑΣ 25%



  27. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  28. Τα τηλεοπτικά κανάλια, οι εφημερίδες και το ραδιόφωνο, μια μιζέρια, μια μηχανή αποβλάκωσης κατά παραγγελία, και δημιουργίας χρήματος για τ’ αφεντικά τους.

    Και εμείς οι δέκτες της βλακείας, της ατελείωτης και συνεχούς πλύσης εγκεφάλου. Κάθε μέρα νιώθεις όλο και πιο βλάκας, πιο χαζός. Ίσως να ακούγεται υπερβολή αλλά για σκεφτείτε λίγο.

    Δεν είναι ανάγκη να νιώθεις πια ηλίθιος και άβουλος παρακολουθώντας τα δελτία των 8, τις τάχα ενημερωτικές (και πάντα αμάσητες) εκπομπές τους, τα ρεπορτάζ της μίζας, που κάνανε χθεσινούς ρακένδυτους μεγαλοεκδότες, να σε κοροϊδεύουν «μαχόμενοι» για κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη μέσα από τις βίλλες και τα Porsche τους. Με τους τραπεζικούς λογαριασμούς των εκατομμυρίων για να σου παίξουν έτσι η αλλιώς το ένα η το άλλο θέμα.

    Eurofighter ή F16, και κλάμα από την πλατεία και ο λαός να διασκεδάζει, τρώγοντας σάρκες.
    Σάρκες που του μάθανε να κατασπαράζει από τον καναπέ του σπιτιού.
    Οι προαγωγοί της δυστυχίας, γιατί μόνο μέσα από αυτήν υπάρχουν και πουλάνε το ψέμα, την εξαπάτηση, και την παραπληροφόρηση τους.

  29. ΩΡΑΙΑ ΤΑ ΧΑΜΟΓΕΛΑ δε λέω...

    Σε τι πιστεύουν, όμως δε μας λένε..
    κι εσείς που ξέρετε πείτε και σε μας να μάθουμε και να μπορούμε να λέμε "Ναι, μας αρέσει γιατι πιστεύει, ???????"

    Αλλιώς... Η Μαρία Αλιφέρη, χαμογελά ακόμη και σήμερα καλύτερα!

    "Never trust a smiling cat" που λένε κι οι φίλοι μας οι ξύπνιοι!



  31. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  32. Ο τσιπρας θα τελειωσει και τους δυο φιλαρακο οχι μονο το πασοκ γιατι εγω αγορακι μου την ΝΔ εκανα την μαλακια και ψηφισα πριν.
    Αααα και οσο γραφετε για τον τσιπρα τοσο θα μεγαλωνει η απηχηση του μεχρι να τον δουμε πρωτα να κυβερναει οπως βλεπουμε και βλεπαμε και σας που γινατε δημιοι τις ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ μας,και μετα θα τον κρινουμε οπως τωρα και σας που σας κακωφενετε αλητες. Εκ τον πρωτερον καθε κριση που του κανετε εινε ΚΑΚΟΠΡΟΕΡΕΤΗ.

  33. Να ποιοι κυβερνούν αυτό τον τόπο

    Διάλογος μεταξύ Στεφάνου Μάνου(τότε υπουργού Οικονομίας 1993) και Σωκράτη Κόκκαλη, στο γραφείο του υπουργού!!!

    Οταν ο κ. Μάνος δεν του έκανε το χατίρι του είπε: «Θα υπογράψετε;». «Όχι!», απάντησε ο Στ. Μάνος. «Τότε θα πέσει η κυβέρνηση…». Και έπεσε

    Αναρτήθηκε από mediaspotgr στις Τετάρτη, Μάρτιος 05, 2008

  34. Νταβατζήδες σε ρόλο σχολιαστή
    Η δουλειά του Δημοσιογράφου...

    Επειδή πολύς λόγος έγινε τελευταία περί δημοσιογράφων και εκβιαστών , και πολλοί ήταν εκείνοι που αναδείχτηκαν σε τιμητές του λειτουργήματος και μοίραζαν τις ηθικές παραινέσεις τους δεξιά και αριστερά. Και με τον ρόλο του κριτή από τα παράθυρα των καναλιών , καθόριζαν το μέτρο και την έκταση της ελευθερίας της έκφρασης και άλλες τέτοιες βλακείες, και έδιναν μαθήματα . Να θυμηθούμε λοιπόν έναν τέτοιο κύριο , που έκανε πολλών ειδών «εργολαβίες» ως δημοσιογράφος. Είναι ο αξιότιμος κ. Κύρτσος. Μάλιστα σύμφωνα με δηλώσεις του Στέφανου Μάνου , υπουργού στην κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη, τον είχε επισκεφθεί ο Κόκκαλης μαζί με τον Κύρτσο στο γραφείο του στο υπουργείο...

    Και ο Κύρτσος του είπε ότι του οφείλει επειδή τον είχε υποστηρίξει τότε με την εφημερίδα και έπρεπε να υποκύψει στις πιέσεις κοκκαλη και να υπογράψει... Και αυτά τα λέει ο κ. Μάνος.
    Πείτε μας γι’ αυτά κ. Κύρτσο, και αφήστε τα άλλα περί ηθικής και λειτουργήματος
    να τα πει κανένας άλλος.
    Πείτε μας από «πρώτο χέρι» πως γίνονται οι εκβιασμοί και τα νταβατζηλίκια, όχι από blog και με κείμενα και τέτοιες αηδίες, αλλά δια ζώσης και μεσα στο υπουργικό γραφείο.
    Ή είσαι Νταβατζής ή δεν είσαι , όχι παίζουμε


  35. Τι 'ναι τούτουνου αυτούνου αυτού ρε;;
    Τι μπαστουνούβλαχου ειν' αυτού ωρέ;;;

    Δεν φτάνει που είναι 10 χρόνια πίσω από τον πολιτισμένο δημοκρατικό κόσμο... κάνει και διάλεξη την μαύρης άγνοιας και του φασισμού του ο "αναλυτής" των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και νομικών πλαισίων!

    ...αχ ρε Μπάζο, δεν αλλάζει ο κατάμαυρος μαύρος υποδυόμενος άλλο χρώμα!

  36. 1;18
    Κατσε εσυ και πηστευε τοτε αυτα που βλεπεις καθε μερα,να βλεπεις να πηγενουμε απο το κακο στο χειροτερο και να επιμενεις ηλιθια να τους ψηφιζεις ακομα.ΡΕ ΜΠΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΙΣΕ ΒΙΤΣΙΟΖΟΣ?

  37. τελικά το press γέμισε ρουφιάνους ...
    να γίνει ένα καινούργιο και να φιλτράρονται τα post ....

    ....ωραία Καχραμπέλη πολύ καλα τα κατάφερες .....

    Σ Υ Ν - Χ Α Ρ Η Τ Η Ρ Ι Α !!!!!!!


    Τσίπρα θα μιλήσεις πολιτικά ή θα μας πεις το γνωστό ΕΟΚ και ΝΑΤΟ το ίδιο συνδικάτο




































































































































































































  39. Τροφή για σκέψη
    Σκαει μια είδηση ότι πουλήθηκε το Πρώτο Θέμα από το press-gr.
    Διαψεύδεται από το kourdistoportocali.
    Αποδεικνύεται ότι το πορτοκάλι έχει δίκιο.
    Το συγκεκριμενο blog ασχολείται συχνά με τον Θέμο.
    Στηρίζει το Πρώτο Θέμα.
    Έχει και πολύ καλή ενημέρωση για τα θέματα που το αφορούν.
    Επιτίθεται και στο Μάκη.
    Και ο Μάκης του επιτίθεται.
    Το press-gr διαφήμισε την ηλεκτρονική έκδοση του John Greek.
    Ο John Greek ανήκει στο κ.Γιαννίκο.
    Στενό συνεργάτη του Γιώργου Κουρή.
    Εκδίδουν μαζί τον Κόσμο του Επενδυτή.
    Εκεί εργαζόταν ο Ανδρέας Καψαμπέλης.
    Ο Ανδρέας Καψαμπέλης έχει παντρευτεί την αδερφή του Γιώργου Κουρή.
    Η Αυριανή τάχθηκε υπερ του press-gr.
    Η Αυριανή εκδίδεται από το Γιώργο Κουρή.
    Ο Γιώργος Κουρής είναι ιδιοκτήτης του Alter.
    Εκεί εργάζεται ο Μάκης Τριανταφυλλόπουλος.
    Ο Γιώργος Κουρής έχει κόντρα με τον Θέμο.
    Που δεν πούλησε ακόμα το Πρώτο Θέμα.
    Και την Κυριακή είχε ολοσέλιδο αφιέρωμα στα πλαστά τιμολόγια του Αlter.
    Την υπόθεση του Alter εξετάζει η ΥΠΕΕ.
    Επικεφαλής της ΥΠΕΕ είναι ο Σπύρος Κλαδάς.
    Που έχει κόντρα με τον Μάκη.
    Που ελέγχει και τα 5,5 εκατομμύρια του Θέμου.

    Η συνέχεια δική σας...

  40. πολυ σωστα τα


    Βασικά το συριζα έχει ύποπτες σχέσεις και περίεργες κινήσεις σχετικά με"αναρχό-οικολογικές επεμβάσεις" οι οποίες ήδη αναγνωρίζουν τα σκόπια ως "Δημοκρατία Μάκεδονίας"!!!!
    Καλά θα κάνει ο Αλεξάκης να πάρει ελάχιστα φιλοεθνικά μέτρα........

    δείτε εδώ σε αφίσα

    μάλλον αναγνώρισαν την γκάφα τους και το κατέβασαν, κάλά θα κάνει ο Αλεξάκης να βγάλει απο πάνω του την στάμπα ως ασύλου θεωρητικών γνωστών αγνώστων,

    Δεν ξερω αν τον προωθουν ΔΟΛ και ΣΙΑ αλλα οσο και οργισμενοι να ειμαστε με ΝΔ ΠΑΣΟΚ, το να πας στον
    Αλεξη, ο οποιος πρωτη μεριμνα εχει καθε ΜΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΑ μεταναστη και καθε πικραμενο , ακολουθει δε και συνεχιζει την σνομπ κουλτουριαρικη και ρατσιστικη εναντι της Ελλαδας
    σταση του κομματος του...

    μου φαινεται απίθανο να ασχοληθει κανεις σοβαρα μαζί του...

    Στα υπερ του οτι μιλαει ψυχραιμα και λογικα...

    για όλα πλην Ελλάδος!





  41. 2:04 EIΣΑΙ ΘΕΟΣ !!!

    Αψογη ανάλυση.

  42. Χρειαζετε η χωρα ενα ξυπνημα απο το ληθαργο που την βαλανε τα δυο μεγαλα κομματα τα τελευταια χρονια και ο Τσιπρας ερχετε κυριοι.



  45. 6 Μάρτιος 2008 2:04 πμ

    Σύντομος ,σαφής και κατανοητός. Όσο για την άμεση διαφήμιση στο ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό δεν θα με ενοχλούσε εάν ο σχετικός τίτλος περιλάμβανε "ακολουθεί διαφήμιση.."

  46. FYROM = FART = Former Asshole Repubuclic of Tito

    Its official....

  47. σορυ αλλα το αρθρο σου ειναι για τον πουτσο

  48. Ακομα και ο καρατζαφερης εινε καλυτερος απο την ΝΔ.

    122 εκατ. ευρώ θα ζημιωθεί η ΔΕΗ εξαιτίας Μυτιληναίου
    Του Νικου Νικολαου

    Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ και το ΠΑΣΟΚ, έστω και συρόμενο, απέκτησαν ήδη αρκετή εμπειρία από τις επιδρομές στα γραφεία της ΔΕΗ προκειμένου να παρεμποδίσουν τη διοίκησή της να προχωρήσει στη δημιουργία νέων μονάδων παραγωγής ρεύματος με λιθάνθρακα. Μια λύση, που όμως είναι αναπόφευκτη και επιβεβλημένη, αν θέλουμε η ΔΕΗ να παραμείνει ο μεγάλος εθνικός παραγωγός, μια και εν ονόματι της ψευδεπίγραφης απελευθέρωσης της αγοράς, το κράτος δεν της επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσει νέες μονάδες με πρώτη ύλη το φυσικό αέριο.

    Οι επιδρομές, όμως, και το κομματικό αβαντάρισμα των συνδικαλιστών της ΓΕΝΟΠ γίνονται με το πρόσχημα ότι τα «προοδευτικά» κόμματα έχουν χρέος να προασπίσουν τον δημόσιο χαρακτήρα της ΔΕΗ, κάτι που δεν συμβιβάζεται βέβαια με τις πράξεις τους, αφού ισοδυναμούν με τη νομοτελειακή αποδυνάμωση της ΔΕΗ και τη μακροπρόθεσμη κυριαρχία των ιδιωτικών μονάδων. Το ότι άλλωστε αυτά τα δύο κόμματα ουδόλως ενδιαφέρονται για την ενδυνάμωση της ΔΕΗ, προκύπτει ευθέως και από την ένοχη σιωπή τους στο μέγα σκάνδαλο των ζημιών που υφίσταται η κρατική επιχείρηση από τις επιθέσεις που δέχεται από το συγκρότημα Μυτιληναίου!

    Οπως έγραψε η «Καθημερινή» στο φύλλο της στις 29 Φεβρουαρίου, η «Αλουμίνιον της Ελλάδος», η μεγαλύτερη βιομηχανία του συγκροτήματος Μυτιληναίου, επέτυχε με «δικονομικό παίγνιο» απόφαση του Πολυμελούς Πρωτοδικείου, με βάση την οποία παρατείνεται τουλάχιστον μέχρι τον Ιούνιο του 2009 η αποικιακή σύμβαση του 1960, που είχε ως γνωστόν υπογράψει ο Κωνσταντίνος Καραμανλής με τη γαλλική Πεσινέ, σε μια περίοδο όμως που η Ελλάδα είχε ανάγκη για ξένες επενδύσεις και βιομηχανίες που θα αξιοποιούσαν τον μεταλλευτικό της πλούτο.

    Πέραν αυτού του χαρατσιού ο Μυτιληναίος, ως γνωστόν, διεκδικεί και τον αποχαρακτηρισμό της μονάδας αυτοπαραγωγού συμπαραγωγού ισχύος 335 ΜW, που σχεδίασε και υλοποίησε για την ηλεκτροδότηση της «Αλουμίνιον», σε μονάδα συμπαραγωγού, που του δίνει το δικαίωμα να πουλάει τις παραγόμενες κιλοβατώρες σε υψηλή τιμή στο σύστημα και ο ίδιος να αγοράζει σε χαμηλή τιμή από τη ΔΕΗ.

    Εκανα ρεπορτάζ στις αρμόδιες υπηρεσίες της ΔΕΗ για να έχω στοιχεία όσον αφορά τις οικονομικές συνέπειες εις βάρος της από τη δικαστική αναβολή και πληροφορήθηκα τα εξής:

    - Εάν η «Αλουμίνιον» εντασσόταν στο τιμολόγιο Α-150, που πληρώνουν όλες οι μεγάλες βιομηχανίες, τότε θα πλήρωνε σήμερα 54 ευρώ / MWH. Με το ειδικό τιμολόγιο τον Ιανουάριο 2008 πλήρωσε 38 ευρώ / MWH.

    - Εάν οι τιμές αυτές διατηρηθούν ως έχουν μέχρι το τέλος Ιουνίου 2009, που θα εκδικαστεί η αναβληθείσα υπόθεση, τότε στο 16μηνο που μεσολαβεί η ΔΕΗ θα χάσει έσοδα 53 εκατ. ευρώ συγκριτικά με τις τιμές που πληρώνουν οι άλλες μεγάλες βιομηχανίες.

    - Ας σημειωθεί ότι το μέσο κόστος της φθηνής λιγνιτικής παραγωγής βάσης χωρίς οποιοδήποτε κέρδος, η απόδοση είναι 52 ευρώ / MWH και της λοιπής θερμικής παραγωγής βάσης άνω του 70 ευρώ / MWH.

    - Ετσι, και αν ακόμη δεχθούμε ότι παραχωρείται ειδικά στην «Αλουμίνιον» ένα μέρος της λιγνιτικής ηλεκτροπαραγωγής με τιμή στο μέσο κόστος χωρίς κέρδος ή απόδοση, πάλι η ΔΕΗ θα ζημιώσει 47 εκατ. ευρώ. Εάν δε η τιμολόγηση γίνει στο μέσο κόστος της θερμικής της παραγωγής βάσης χωρίς κέρδος ή απόδοση, τότε η αντίστοιχη ζημία της ΔΕΗ θα είναι περίπου 65 εκατ. ευρώ.

    - Εάν δεχθούμε ότι η «Αλουμίνιον» θα πουλάει το ρεύμα στη ΔΕΗ στην τιμή 75 ευρώ / MWH και θα το αγοράζει πάλι πίσω προς 38 ευρώ / MWH, τότε η ΔΕΗ θα χάσει στους προσεχείς 16 μήνες περίπου 122 εκατ. ευρώ. Η «Αλουμίνιον» θα κερδίσει αντίστοιχα από την πώληση του ρεύματος στην αγορά περίπου 42 εκατ. ευρώ και από την αγορά με το ειδικό τιμολόγιο, έναντι του τιμολογίου Α-150 των μεγάλων βιομηχανιών, 53 εκατ. ευρώ, ήτοι συνολικά 95 εκατ. ευρώ.

    - Στις παραπάνω ζημιές της ΔΕΗ θα πρέπει να συνυπολογισθούν το κόστος της αγοράς δικαιωμάτων διοξειδίου του άνθρακα που θα πληρώσει η ΔΕΗ, όπως επίσης και μια εύλογη απόδοση στα κεφάλαιά της.

    Ιδού λοιπόν η πρόκληση για τον κ. Τσίπρα. Ας καβαλήσει τη μοτοσικλέτα του, ας ειδοποιήσει και τις κάμερες και ας πάει στα γραφεία του κ. Μυτιληναίου, για να μάθουμε και εμείς τι επιδιώκει η Αριστερά!

    Ιδού λοιπόν η πρόκληση για τον κ. Τσίπρα. Ας καβαλήσει τη μοτοσικλέτα του, ας ειδοποιήσει και τις κάμερες και ας πάει στα γραφεία του κ. Μυτιληναίου, για να μάθουμε και εμείς τι επιδιώκει η Αριστερά!

    ας ειδοποιήσει και τις κάμερες και ας πάει στα γραφεία του κ. Μυτιληναίου, για να μάθουμε και εμείς τι επιδιώκει η Αριστερά!









  53. Ποιος τσίπρας και μαλακίες, Αν δεν υπήρχε η φιλορωσική, και σε πολιτικό επίπεδο αντιαμερικανική ΝΔ (εκτός Ντόρας) απο το 2004 ήδη η Ελλάδα θα είχε μείνει η μισή......
    Ελπίζω τώρα να κατανοείτε μέσω του σκοπιανού, οτί η ανεργεία, φτώχεια, ασφαλιστικό είναι σχέδια απ΄εξω, και μόνο ο καραμανλής και οι έντιμοι πολιτικοί της ΝΔ κάνουν ότι μπορούν ωστε να μη γίνει ΤΟΥΛΆΧΙΣΤΟΝ πόλεμος.
    Τα προβλήματα στην Ελλάδα είναι κυρίως εθνικά και όχι τα δικαιώματα του βαλλιανάτου






  54. Καλός ο Τσίπρας ως δούρειος ίππος για την κατάρρευση του δικομματισμού και του ΠΑΣΟΚ, αλλά δεν μας πείθει ως αξιόπιστη πολιτική λύση.



  55. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  56. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  57. και τα πρωινάδικα και τα μεσημεριανάδικα και όλαααααααααααααααααα τα έντυπα Αλέξη!!!!
    θα το κάωουν το παιδί.

  58. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.


  60. Ολο μαλακίες είσαστε σαν λαός και σαν άτομα. Κάφροι τουρκοσπορίτες!

  61. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  62. Η μεγάλη πλάκα είναι με τους «τέως» αριστερούς Δαμανάκη, Ανδρουλάκη, Κουναλάκη κ ΣΙΑ, οι οποίοι με το που πήγαν στο ΠΑΣΟΚ βουλιάζει και ανεβαίνει ο ΣΥΝ. Την πάτησαν. Οι ελπίδες για υπουργική καρέκλα αποδείχτηκαν φρούδες. Δεν αποκλείεται όμως να δουν σύντομα υπουργούς τον Παπαδημούλη, τον Λαφαζάνη, τον Λεβέντη κλπ. Πως την πάτησαν έτσι!!!!

  63. Ορίστε που θεωρεί "λαϊκιστή" τον Τσάβες, ο "εκλεκτός" των ΜΜΕ, ανεπάγγελτος λαζοΞετσίπρας, βολεμένος εχθρός του συλλογικού ελέγχου:









  65. Α, τώρα κατάλαβα, γενναίος και δημοκράτης είναι αυτός που επώνυμα μεταφέρει ό,τι σέρνεται ως φήμη στα διαδίκτυα και το σχολιάζει με ύφος. Ποιος μπορεί επώνυμα να μας διαβεβαιώσει ότι ο Γιώργος τηλεφώνησε στον Λαμπράκη; Και - το πιο σπουδαίο - ποιος μπορεί να μας εξηγήσει γιατί, τόσους μήνες μετά, ο ευειδής (και επώνυμος) Αλέξης συνεχίζει να έχει ανώνυμες ιδέες όπως ο ασχημομούρης προκάτοχός του;





  68. Κοινωνική ασφάλιση σημαίνει δικαιώματα και στους αδυνάτους

    OXI στην Ελλάδα του 1/3


  69. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  70. Ο Κλαψιάς έγλυφε το αλέξις (οπως κανει πάντα οποτε φυσάει ο άνεμος σε αναλογη κατεύθυνση)και λέει συνέχεια τα καλύτερα.

    Πήγε το κωλοπαιδο στον πρόεδρο της δημοκρατίας με τζιν, σακάκι της οκας και ενα ανοιχτό πουκάμισο σαν τον Chris Issak, και μια BMW μηχανάρα, και ο Κλαψιας κατουρηθηκε απο την χαρά του!

    ''Μια χαρά πηγε ντυμένο το παιδί! Αξιοπρεπέστατο το παιδί''

    Αχου καλεεεε!

    Για το ξυριζα δουλευουν ολοι.


  71. Παλιομαλάκα 8.45

    Με βάση το Σύνταγμα ΔΕΝ ΕΠΙΤΡΕΠΕΤΑΙ η προσβολή του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας πανηλίθιε Χρυσαυγίτη!

  72. Μερικές ερωτήσεις προς Τσίμπρα και φανατικούς υπερασπιστές του.
    Σε μια χώρα για να ανέβουν οι μισθοί και να σταματήσει η μερική απασχόληση πρέπει να γίνουν επενδύσεις και η ανεργία η πραγματική να είναι στο 3,5% – 4 % .
    Μπορεί να μας πει πως θα γίνουν επενδύσεις; Όταν είναι αντίθετος σε όποια επένδυση πρόκειται να γίνει στην Ελλάδα Προχθές στην Καβάλα φορώντας τα ακριβά sportex του , ήταν αντίθετος για τις μονάδες λιθάνθρακα στην Ελλάδα.
    Άκουσα ότι ο λιγνίτης είναι 8 φορές ποιο ρυπογόνος από τον λιθάνθρακα και το εργοστάσιο που θα γίνει θα έχει νέα μηχανήματα , άρα πολύ λιγότερους ρύπους.
    Αν πραγματικά ήθελε να κάνει την επανάσταση του και ενδιαφέρετε τόσο πολύ για το περιβάλλον να πρωτοστατήσει εδώ και τώρα να κλίσουν όλοι οι ρυπογόνοι σταθμοί στην δυτική Μακεδονία και να κοπεί το ρεύμα σε όλοι την Ελλάδα γιατί και εκεί κύριε Τσίμπρα μένουν άνθρωποι που τους θερίζει ο καρκίνος.
    Όσο για τους νέους που τον ακολουθούν ας σκεφτούν ότι αυτοί που εργάζονται ή θα εργασθούν οι εισφορές τους δεν επαρκούν για να πληρωθούν οι σημερινοί συνταξιούχοι και μη μου πείτε να τα δόση το κράτος γιατί κράτος είστε και σεις.
    Αν πραγματικά ενδιαφέρεσθε για το ασφαλιστικό σας να πληρώσουν αυτοί που βγήκαν παράνομα σε σύνταξη ή πήραν προνόμια για τον εαυτό τους .
    Ο Ανδρουλάκης είπε (Πήγαμε μαζί με τον Φλωράκη στον Ανδρέα και τον παρακαλέσαμε να δοθούν συντάξεις από το ΙΚΑ στους πρόσφυγες από τις ανατολικές χώρες και το δέχτηκε)
    Τα ίδια και στο ΝΑΤ
    Εγώ δεν είμαι αντίθετος να παίρνουν όλοι οι Έλληνες σύνταξη όχι όμως από το ΙΚΑ αλλά από ένα ταμείο αλληλεγγύης που θα δίνει μια κατώτερη σύνταξη σε όλους που δεν έχουν καμιά σύνταξη.
    Το παραμύθι να πληρώσει το κεφάλαιο δεν στέκει γιατί το κεφάλαιο αν δεν έχει κέρδη πάει εκεί που θα κάνει, δες επιχειρήσεις Σκόπια και τότε η ανεργία θα πάει στο 50%.
    Να γίνει το ασφαλιστικό κεφαλαιοποιητικό , δηλαδή πληρώνω για την ασφάλεια και το ταμείο κεφαλαιοποιή τις εισφορές μου και έχει τα λεφτά μου και μου τα δίνει σε σύνταξη όταν βγω.
    Ο λαϊκισμός είναι εύκολος και τον ξαναδοκιμάσαμε «ΕΟΚ και ΝΑΤΟ το ίδιο συνδικάτο» από σας φεύγει το ΕΟΚ και μένει το ΝΑΤΟ.
    Είμαι ένας άνεργος 61 χρονών για να μην νομίσετε ότι είμαι κανένας βολεμένος.

  73. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  74. 6 Μάρτιος 2008 2:28 πμ

    Ο/Η Ανώνυμος είπε...
    120 ΠΑΡ. 4 ΟΧΙ ΜΟΝΟΝ
    ΤΟΥΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΠΟΥ ΤΟ ΕΠΙΚΑΛΟΥΝΤΑΙ me video gia to syntagma.

  75. Καλώς το Ρηγίλλης Πρες 8:57!

    Γαμώ της μάνας σας το μουνί και του πατέρα σας τον κώλο!
    Που την είδατε την προσβολή στο πρόσωπο του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας?
    Αν κάποιος πρόσβαλε κάποιον, ήταν ο Τσίπρας που πήγε σαν να πήγενε για καφέ στα Σούρμενα!
    Αστε στο διάολο Σταλινικά ξεράσματα που θέλετε να έχετε γνώμη!
    Τραβάτε βρείτε κανά χαρμάνη μετανάστη να σας ξεσκίσει την κωλάρα. Μουνιά της λάσπης και του συφερτού!

  77. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  78. 9:25 αν τα βαζεις με τους Bloopers την πουτσισες φιλαρακο.

    Θα κοιτας πισω σου σε καθε γωνια οταν περπατας.

  79. Αλέξης Τσίπρας Πρωθυπουργός
    Αλέκος Αλαβάνος Εθνικής Οικονομίας
    Ανδρέας Λοβέρδος Εξωτερικών
    Μιχ. Παπαγιαννάκης Εσωτερικών
    Αντ. Αντωνιάδης Εθνικής άμυνας
    Λιάνα Κανέλη Παιδείας & Θρησκευμ.
    Φώτης Κουβέλης Δικαιοσύνης
    Κώστας Ζουράρης Πολιτισμού
    Δημήτρης Τσοβόλας Εργασίας
    Γιάννης Δημαράς Τύπου
    Στέφανος Μάνος ΥΠΕΧΩΔΕ
    Ανδρ. Ανδριανόπουλος Ναυτιλίας
    Μιχ. Χαραλαμπίδης Αγροτ. Ανάπτυξης
    Ελευθ, Ανεβλαβής Υγείας

    Πρ. Δημοκρατίας Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

  80. Όταν γίνονται πράξη οι αλλαγες με στόχο να ωφεληθούν οι πολλοί και ο τόπος, τα συμφέροντα αντιδρούν. Συχνά με αυθαίρετους και παράνομους τρόπους. Εκμεταλλεύονται την προνομιακή δυνατότητά τους.


  81. 9.30

    Ασε τον "άνθρωπο" να πει τη μαλακία του απερίσπαστος, ποιός τους ακούει τώρα πια...

    Είναι και "61 χρονών άνεργος" το βλήμα και νομίζει ότι δεν το ξέρουμε!

  82. Όταν γίνονται πράξη οι αλλαγες με στόχο να ωφεληθούν οι πολλοί και ο τόπος, τα συμφέροντα αντιδρούν. Συχνά με αυθαίρετους και παράνομους τρόπους. Εκμεταλλεύονται την προνομιακή δυνατότητά τους.


  83. ΟΧΙ σε αυτούς που ταλαιπωρούν ΚΑΙ τιμωρούν το κοινωνικό σύνολο για να αποτρέψουν τις αλλαγές που θα ωφελήσουν τους πολλούς.


  84. Πάλι τις βούρτσες με τον...Αλέξη μπερδεύετε...Τι σχέση μπορεί να έχει ο Τσίπρας με τον Ομπάμα ρε παιδιά; Ο ένας έχει πολιτικό λόγο, κι ο άλλος κάνει ντου με τους συνδικαλιστές σε γραφεία επιχειρήσεων...

  85. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.




  87. Όταν γίνονται πράξη οι αλλαγες
    με στόχο να ωφεληθούν οι πολλοί κολλητοί του Ζαχόπουλου, οι κουμπάροι των κουμπάρων και ο Τσιτουρίδης, οι εργαζόμενοι, αυτοί που ΠΛΗΡΩΝΟΥΝ, αντιδρούν.

    Συχνά με αυθαίρετους και παράνομους τρόπους. (δηλαδή; πως δηλαδή; καταργήσατε και το δικαίωμα της απεργίας αλήτες;)

    Εκμεταλλεύονται την "προνομιακή" δυνατότητά τους, τα προνόμια δεν είναι Ζαχοπουλιακά, δεν είναι η σύνταξη Καραμανλή μετά από τετραετή απασχόληση, είναι προνόμια αυτών που πληρώνουν σε βάρος αυτών που δεν πλήρωσαν ποτέ.

    (που έχουν, για να σωθούν αυτά που δεν έχουν επειδή... εισφοροαπαλλάξανε τους εργοδότες!)

    εκ του Ρηγίλλης Πρες Agency

    Save Tsitourides! Save Alogoskoufis!

  88. Ασε τον "άνθρωπο" να πει τη μαλακία του απερίσπαστος, ποιός τους ακούει τώρα πια...

    Giati den apantas sta themata pou bazo.
    Esi poson xronon ise?
    An ise sto dimosio poses katouremene podies eglipses ego den proskinisa se kanenan
    blito e blito.
    An ise neos se sinxoro giati isos na min kseris oti afti pou fonazoun simera kai ine stin ilikia mou gia na piasoun mia doulia rotatous pos tin piran .
    Posoi proskinisan tin xounta?
    Otan ego apolithika apo to strato to 69 os efedros aksiomatikos pou egina YEA kai dokimos me kibernisi Papandreou mporousa proskinontas na exo mia doulia kai na ime bolemenos tora alla protimisa na pao stin Aystralia.
    Afta kai skepsou to ligo tha lithoun i oxi ola ta problimata misthon, hmiapasxolisis, sintakseon ktl an ginoun ependisis nai i oxi.
    Ektos an bolebese me to xartziliki tou mpampa sou kai to pezis anetos kai den ntrepese na se taizoun oi goneis sou opos se para polous neous pou se alles xores ntreponte oi neoi na zoun eis baros ton gonion tous.

  89. Ρε βλακα, το μονο τουρλωτο οπισθιο εδω περα είναι το δικό σου.
    Εδώ ανατρέπεται το άρρωστο πολιτικό κατεστημένο και εσύ έχεις του κόλου σου το χαβα! Νισαφι!

  90. @9.59

    "Otan ego apolithika apo to strato to 69 os efedros aksiomatikos pou egina YEA"

    χμμμ ΥΕΑ επί χούντας ε; χμμ...
    Μήπως ήσουν και στα ΤΕΑ βρε παλιοκαθίκι; Για αυτόν τον λόγο την έκανες;

    Δεν μου λες κάτι ακόμα, το θεωρείς σωστό "γέρος" άνθρωπος να το παίζεις ακόμα;

  91. Ο καθένας προσπαθεί να προασπίσει τα συμφέροντα του .

  92. ΝΔ-ΠΑΣΟΚΙΑ τελος στα δοκιμασμενα συγκινωνουντα δοχεια.
    Τελος με τα πειραματα,φτανει πια τοσα χρονια αλητες.
    Τσιπρα ρε και παλι τσιπρα,αυτον δεν τον ειδαμε τουλαχιστον ακομα να κυβερνα και ελπιζουμε.
    Απο ΝΔ-ΠΑΣΟΚΙΑ τι να περιμενουμε ακομα?
    Ειστε λαμογια ΡΕΕΕΕΕ.....

  93. προς 2:04':
    ΤΩΡΑ για τον Μπαζιωτόπουλο:
    Για ΠΟΙΟ λόγο είσαι εδώ;
    Σ' αρέσει να δίνεις ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΕΣ;
    Τη βρήσκεις να διαβάζεις βωμολοχίες;
    Το παίζεις ξεχωριστός;
    Αφου το παιχνίδι κατα 99% είναι ΑΝΩΝΥΜΟ αν δεν σ' αρέσει ΜΗΝ ΞΑΝΑΜΠΑΙΝΕΙΣ!
    κύριε Μπαζιωτόπουλε.
    Ή μηπως δεν σε λένε έτσι;
    ποιός ξέρει, ... μήπως να έδειξες και ταυτότητα;
    Ο,τι δηλώνεις είσαι......

    Αν πράγματι έχεις καποια σχέση με τα οικονομικιά, δε μου λές σε παρακαλώ τί θα γίνει με αυτό το κωλονόμισμα;
    Πόσο κάτω θα πάει ακόμα;
    Έχει τέλος η κατρακύλα και πότε;
    ΑΥΤΟ με ενδιαφερει ΑΜΕΣΑ.
    Περιμένω να μου απαντήσεις ΟΠΩΣΔΗΠΟΤΕ, οκ?

    Καθηγητης Σχολης Ατομικης Αμυνης
    Παλαια Αμερικανικη Βαση -Σουρμενα

  94. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
    Click to view previous image
    1 of 3
    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Organization of American States passed a resolution Wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack into Ecuadoran territory by Colombia.

    Organization of American States diplomats meet Wednesday in Washington.
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    Click to view next image

    Colombia's military attacked a rebel camp in neighboring Ecuador on Saturday. Since then, Ecuador has broken off relations with Colombia, and Venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with Colombia.

    In the resolution, the OAS called the attack "a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ecuador and of principles of international law" and noted that it led Ecuador to break relations with Colombia.

    It ordered a commission, headed by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him, to visit both countries to investigate the matter, "and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together."

    Colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia into Ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security.

    Colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that Ecuadoran and Venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that Chavez allegedly gave $300 million to the rebels and that a senior Ecuadoran official met with them.

    "(They) are making things up and there's no limit to what they'll make up," Chavez said at a news conference on Wednesday.

    Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said his country would only be satisfied when the OAS issues a "clear condemnation" against Colombia for the raid.

    OAS foreign ministers are to meet March 17 in Washington "to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations," the resolution concluded.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting among Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Learn more about the countries »

    Gates added that the United States would not need to assist its Colombian allies should armed conflict break out.

    "My personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them, and my further impression is that the Colombians can take care of themselves," he said at the Pentagon.

    After the OAS resolution, Bahamian Ambassador Cornelius Smith praised Ecuador and Colombia for showing "a desire and a commitment to ensure that we could find common ground."

    "With the spirit of consensus in mind, we are pleased that the delegates of Colombia and Ecuador have agreed to a test that could lead to a satisfactory resolution to this impasse," said the acting permanent representative of the U.S. Mission to the OAS, J. Robert Manzanares.

    "We wish to reiterate our support for a timely diplomatic resolution."
    Don't Miss

    * Colombia to accuse Chavez in court
    * Ecuador: Colombia raid prevented hostage release
    * Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota
    * No. 2 Colombian rebel killed

    But the organization's resolution did not mollify everyone. "The facts have a cause, and this commission will have to confront that cause in its totality," said Colombia's representative, Ambassador Camilo Ospina. He added, "terrorism brought us here."

    Saturday's raid by Colombian police and troops killed the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The group, which Colombia, the United States and the European Union label a terrorist organization, has fought a decades-long battle against the government in Bogota.

    Ecuador has cut diplomatic relations with Colombia as a result of the attack. Ecuador and Venezuela, whose leaders share close ties, have sent troops toward their borders with Colombia. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

    All About Colombia • FARC • Ecuador • Venezuela

  95. Αγαπητε ορφεα,το νομισμα θα πεφτει οσο εσεις και τα συναφια σας ψηφιζετε ΝΔ.
    Αν δεν σου φτανει αυτο ρωτα και στην τραπεζα που εχεις τις καταθεσεις σου.

  96. aman ayta ta sentonia re gamoto!

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  97. 9:30
    θα ανοίξουνε την κωλάρα τους και θα μου κλάσουνε τ' αρχίδια.
    Κάτι ψολάρχιδα σαν τους BLOOPERS τα γαμώ για πλάκα. Και τις μανάδες τους και τους πατεράδες τους και όλο τους το γαμημένο σόϊ!
    Όλο υπονοούμενα και ότι έχουνε άκρες!
    Η μόνη άκρη που έχουνε, είναι η άκρη της καπότας που κρέμεται επί μονίμου βάσεως από τον κώλο τους!
    Κλάστε ρε να φύγει γιατί έχει σειρά η επόμενη!!!


  98. Όταν γίνονται πράξη οι αλλαγες
    με στόχο να ωφεληθούν οι πολλοί κολλητοί του Ζαχόπουλου, οι κουμπάροι των κουμπάρων και ο Τσιτουρίδης, οι εργαζόμενοι, αυτοί που ΠΛΗΡΩΝΟΥΝ, αντιδρούν.

    Συχνά με αυθαίρετους και παράνομους τρόπους. (δηλαδή; πως δηλαδή; καταργήσατε και το δικαίωμα της απεργίας αλήτες;)

    Εκμεταλλεύονται την "προνομιακή" δυνατότητά τους, τα προνόμια δεν είναι Ζαχοπουλιακά, δεν είναι η σύνταξη Καραμανλή μετά από τετραετή απασχόληση, είναι προνόμια αυτών που πληρώνουν σε βάρος αυτών που δεν πλήρωσαν ποτέ.

    (που έχουν, για να σωθούν αυτά που δεν έχουν επειδή... εισφοροαπαλλάξανε τους εργοδότες!)

    εκ του Ρηγίλλης Πρες Agency

    Save Tsitourides! Save Alogoskoufis!


  100. Εισαι και πολυ αααααντρας. Αχ καλε, θα σου σκιστει το καλτσον.

    Αγορακι μου οι Bloopers γαμανε τη μανουλα σου αυτη τη στιγμη. Πινει τα ψωλοχυμα τους και το φχαριστιεται η γρια γκιοσα.

  101. προς 10:39'. :
    αφου η πείρα μου μεχρι τωρα εχει δειξει πως ΔΕΝ υπάρχουν μαλακες τέτοιου ΒΕΛΗΝΕΚΟΥΣ σαν του δικού σου
    2) Θα πρέπει να ΠΑΙΡΝΕΙΣ ΧΑΠΙΑ που σου εξαφανισαν και το τελευταιο ιχνος εξυπναδας, αφου πιστεψες, έστω και στιγμιααια, ότι μπορει ενας στο 1000000 να ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕΙ το  copy/paste κείμενο σου!
    3) Θα πρέπει να έχει ΟΞΕΙΑ ΚΑΤΑΘΛΙΨΗ με εντονα φαινομενα φον ικης επιθετικοτητας έχον σαν αποτέλεσμα οξεία ΜΑΛΑΚΙΝΣΗ και ΑΥΠΝΙΑ που αυτη συνεπάγεται.

    Σου συστηνω ένα καλό γιατρό να σε δεί από μέρους μου.

    ως ποτε θα ανεχομαι τους μαλακες

    προς 10:39'. :
    αφου η πείρα μου μεχρι τωρα εχει δειξει πως ΔΕΝ υπάρχουν μαλακες τέτοιου ΒΕΛΗΝΕΚΟΥΣ σαν του δικού σου
    2) Θα πρέπει να ΠΑΙΡΝΕΙΣ ΧΑΠΙΑ που σου εξαφανισαν και το τελευταιο ιχνος εξυπναδας, αφου πιστεψες, έστω και στιγμιααια, ότι μπορει ενας στο 1000000 να ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕΙ το copy/paste κείμενο σου!
    3) Θα πρέπει να έχει ΟΞΕΙΑ ΚΑΤΑΘΛΙΨΗ με εντονα φαινομενα φον ικης επιθετικοτητας έχον σαν αποτέλεσμα οξεία ΜΑΛΑΚΙΝΣΗ και ΑΥΠΝΙΑ που αυτη συνεπάγεται.

    Σου συστηνω ένα καλό γιατρό να σε δεί από μέρους μου.

    ως ποτε θα ανεχομαι τους μαλακες

    προς 10:39'. :
    αφου η πείρα μου μεχρι τωρα εχει δειξει πως ΔΕΝ υπάρχουν μαλακες τέτοιου ΒΕΛΗΝΕΚΟΥΣ σαν του δικού σου
    2) Θα πρέπει να ΠΑΙΡΝΕΙΣ ΧΑΠΙΑ που σου εξαφανισαν και το τελευταιο ιχνος εξυπναδας, αφου πιστεψες, έστω και στιγμιααια, ότι μπορει ενας στο 1000000 να ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕΙ το copy/paste κείμενο σου!
    3) Θα πρέπει να έχει ΟΞΕΙΑ ΚΑΤΑΘΛΙΨΗ με εντονα φαινομενα φον ικης επιθετικοτητας έχον σαν αποτέλεσμα οξεία ΜΑΛΑΚΙΝΣΗ και ΑΥΠΝΙΑ που αυτη συνεπάγεται.

    Σου συστηνω ένα καλό γιατρό να σε δεί από μέρους μου.

    ως ποτε θα ανεχομαι τους μαλακες

    προς 10:39'. :
    αφου η πείρα μου μεχρι τωρα εχει δειξει πως ΔΕΝ υπάρχουν μαλακες τέτοιου ΒΕΛΗΝΕΚΟΥΣ σαν του δικού σου
    2) Θα πρέπει να ΠΑΙΡΝΕΙΣ ΧΑΠΙΑ που σου εξαφανισαν και το τελευταιο ιχνος εξυπναδας, αφου πιστεψες, έστω και στιγμιααια, ότι μπορει ενας στο 1000000 να ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕΙ το copy/paste κείμενο σου!
    3) Θα πρέπει να έχει ΟΞΕΙΑ ΚΑΤΑΘΛΙΨΗ με εντονα φαινομενα φον ικης επιθετικοτητας έχον σαν αποτέλεσμα οξεία ΜΑΛΑΚΙΝΣΗ και ΑΥΠΝΙΑ που αυτη συνεπάγεται.

    Σου συστηνω ένα καλό γιατρό να σε δεί από μέρους μου.

    ως ποτε θα ανεχομαι τους μαλακες

  102. Ο Παναγιώτης Μπαζιωτόπουλος γεννήθηκε στην Κηφισιά στις 2 Σεπτεμβρίου του 1951 και διαμένει έκτοτε μόνιμα στην Κηφισιά. Μετά το Γυμνάσιο πήρε το πτυχίο BSc στα Οικονομικά Μαθηματικά – Οικονομετρία του Πανεπιστημίου Κόβενρυ της Αγγλίας και το μεταπτυχιακό MBA - MSc στην Επιχειρησιακή Έρευνα του Πανεπιστημίου της Ουαλίας. Παρακολούθησε πλήθος επαγγελματικών σεμιναρίων στην διοίκηση επιχειρήσεων και ειδικά μαθήματα Επιχειρησιακής Έρευνας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Warwick της Αγγλίας.Εργάσθηκε στις Ernst & Young και KPMG ως ελεγκτής λογιστής, στις Α.ΣΥ.Κ. Α.Ε. και Χ.Α. Α.Ε.(Χρηματιστήριο Αθηνών) ως Σύμβουλος χρηματιστηριακών εφαρμογών, στο Κ.Α.Α. (Κεντρικό Αποθετήριο Αξιών) ως διοικητικός Διευθυντής ενώ από το 1999 έχει διατελέσει Γενικός Διευθυντής στις εταιρείες πληροφορικής Brokers Systems A.E & Micronet A.E.
    Έχει διατελέσει επίσης μέλος της Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακής Έρευνας Αγγλίας (ORS - UK), της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακής Έρευνας (EEEE), του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Πληροφορικής (EIP), της Εταιρείας Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων (EEDE), του Αμερικανικού Ινστιτούτου Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών (IEEE) και της Αμερικανικής Ένωσης Μηχανογράφων (ACM).
    Ολους αυτους παραπανω ΜΕ ΠΟΙΟ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΛΕΙΣ ,αγαπητε μου???

    Αι στα τσακιδια,βλακα!!!!

  103. OBAMA - ΤΣΙΠΡΑΣ???

    Τι Λωζανη - τι Κοζανη!! !

    Coolarete ρε σεις... ιεροσυλια!

    Ο Τσιπρας απλως εκμεταλευεται την αδυναμια της πολιτικης σκηνης σημερα.. Δεν εχει καμμια εμπειρια σε διοικηση, εξωτερικη πολιτικη, οικονομια, διεθνης σχεσεις..

    Απλα φωναζει και βγαινει στους δρομους, πραγμα που αγγιζει τον πονεμενο πολιτη σημερα..

    Για συνδικαλιστης ειναι μια χαρα.. για τιποτα παραπανω δεν νομιζω..

    Δεν εχει προτεινει καμμια συγκεκριμμενη θεση για κανενα θεμα, οταν τον ρωτουν για να μας πει μια λυση ολο υπεκφευγει.. το μονο που κανει ειναι να μας πληροφορει για τα αρνητικα της κυβερνησης και την αδυναμια του πασοκ να αντιπολιτευτει..

    Το να μασας τσιχλα οταν μιλας με την υπουργο εξωτερικων και να σκας μυτη με τζινακι οταν επισκεφτεσαι τον προεδρο.. εμενα μου δειχνει παντελης ελλειψη στοιχειωδων τροπων επικοινωνιας...!

    ΟΥΤΕ Ο ΤΣΑΒΕΣ ΔΕΝ ΤΑ ΚΑΝΕΙ ΑΥΤΑ αχαχχααχααχαχ μουαχαχαχαχχα

    ΕΜΕΙΣ ΤΙ ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΠΟΥΛΗΣΟΥΜΕ.. ΤΟ..ΚΟΡΜΙ ΜΑΣ?? (ΔΩΣΕ ΜΕΓΑΛΕ xman, εχεις τις καλυτερες ατακες.. μην ακους κανεναν..)


  104. Ασε ρε πονηροι ΝΔ-ΠΑΣΟΚΟΙ που σας πειραξε το τζιν που φορουσε ο τσιπρας. Σας ποναει οτι ο τσιπρας εινε μαγκας και με μεγαλα αρχιδια και σας περνει το φαι απο το στομα?? Χαχαχαχαχα Ε..λοιπον ειστε και απληστοι. Δεν σας εφταναν τοσα χρονια κλεψιας και απατης θελετε κ αλλο.............
    Τσιπρας ρε....οταν βγει και απολυσει ολα εσας τα λαμογια τοτε θα χαρει και τοπαρδαλο κατσικι.

  105. εσυ εισαι το ..παρδαλο κατσικι??

    φιλε μου παρδαλο κατσικι, αν ειναι ν βγει και να παολυσει ολους αυτους τουσ μουροχβαλους δημοσιους υπαλληλους να τον ψηφισω και εγω!!!!!!!!!!


  106. Παρδαλο κατσικι μπορει να ειναι ο μπεεεεεε σιγουρα δεν ειναι...


  107. Oλοι θα τον ψηφισουν γιατι θα καταργησει την μονιμοτητα των δημοσιων χαραμοφαηδων και ολα τα παρδαλα κατσικια του κοσμου θα γελασουν μεχρι δακρυων.ΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΑ

  108. Η αρση της μονιμοτητας των δημοσιων υπαλληλων αγαπητε μου ειναι αντικειμενο των Οικονομολογων ειδικων Επιχειρησιακων Ερευνητων οπως ο κ.Μπαζιωτοπουλος ....ας μην μπαινουμε σε ξενα χωραφια


  109. 11.12

    I triple E και ACM?


  110. καλα, μπερδευτηκα με τα κατσικια..αν και νομιζω πραγματι πως το copyright και το trademark το εχει ο μπππεεεεε...

    για να ρωτησω ομως.. θα μας το πει πριν τις εκλογες οτι θα καταργησει την μονιμοτητα???
    εισαι σιγουρος?

    δεν το εχω ακουσει να λεει κατι τετοια παντως.. απεναντιας μας λεει οτι ο οτε πρεπει να μεινει κρατικος blah blah blah

    Ο ΟΤΕ!!! που για να τους παρεις τηλεφωνο και να τους πεις γιατι αργει να μπει η γραμμη adsl, θα σου απαντησουν, αν κανουν διαλυμα απο το φραπε και την αναγνωση της sportday, οτι εχει πεσει πολυ δουλεια (ξυσιμο) και ξαναπαρε σε κανα χρονο... ή που για να κανεις μια "εσωτερικη" μεταφορα αριθμου πρεπει να τους παρακαλας κανα μηνα... ρε δεν γαμιουνται ολοι λεω εγω


  111. Αν το πει ρε φιλε ...πριν τις εκλογες(δεν το ειπε ακομα) θα μπουν στην δοκιμασια του 3% για την εισοδο τους στη Βουλη.
    Ειναι χαζομαλακες αλλα οχι και τοσο!!!


  112. Γιατι ρε κατσικακι μου ο καραμανλης πριν γινει κυβερνηση σου ειχε πει οτι θα σε γαμησει???
    Γιατι να σου πει ο Τσιπρας οτι θα την καταργησει?
    Σταματηστε να βελαζετε και ανοιξτε τα ματια σας να δειτε την γινετε γυρω σας.
    Ο Αλογοσκουφης την αλλη εβδομαδα εξαγγελει νεα μετρα για την οικονομια¨"ΤΟ χορταρι θα το αγοραζετε με κουπονι γιατι θα βαλει ΦΠΑ 25%στα ειδη πολυτελειας.

  113. Mπεεεεεε....μπεεεεεεεεε.....εγω παντως θα εχω χορταρι απο τον θεσσαλικο καμπο φρεσκο και παχυ,μου το υποσχεθηκε ο Λαζοπουλος.
    Ειδες τι καλοεινε να εχεις κολλητους κυβερνητικους!!!!!!!

  114. Δεν το πε αλλα το γνωριζα οτι θα μας γαμησουν....οπως ξερω οτι και με την (?)τοσο μεγαλη ανοδο του ΣΥΝ η σουφρα μας θα παθει ανουσια...


  115. Καλα αν πιστευεις τον Λαζοπουλο...χορτο θα κανεις πολυ καιρο να δεις..


  116. Αν πατε στο μπλογκ του Χωριατη θα διαβασετε ολη την αληθεια για τον Τσιπρα...παω για χορτο



  118. 8,51 πανίβλακα μπλόπερ τον Τσίπρα και τον Κλαψιά κορόιδευα, όχι τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας, μυωπικέ κωλόγερε!

    Έλα, έλα να το ξαναδιαβάσουμε μαζί! Εαν είσαι καλό παιζάκι αρχιπράκτορα της δήθεν διασποράς, θα σου μάθω μετα την αλφαβήτα, τους αριθμους και την προπαίδεια.

    Πες μου μωρή τηγανήτα που διαβασες κατι κακό για τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας:

    Ο Κλαψιάς έγλυφε το αλέξις (οπως κανει πάντα οποτε φυσάει ο άνεμος σε αναλογη κατεύθυνση)και λέει συνέχεια τα καλύτερα.

    Πήγε το κωλοπαιδο στον πρόεδρο της δημοκρατίας με τζιν, σακάκι της οκας και ενα ανοιχτό πουκάμισο σαν τον Chris Issak, και μια BMW μηχανάρα, και ο Κλαψιας κατουρηθηκε απο την χαρά του!

    ''Μια χαρά πηγε ντυμένο το παιδί! Αξιοπρεπέστατο το παιδί''

    Αχου καλεεεε!

    Για το ξυριζα δουλευουν ολοι.

    Ρε αγγουρι, όλη την ημερα εδω μέσα είσαι. Γκόμενα μπλόπερ δεν έχεις; Δεν εργάζεσαι;

    Χρυσαυγίτης δεν είμαι, αλλά και αυτοι είναι πολύ καλύτεροι απο εσένα μοναχικέ στερημενε.

  119. Συντομα θα σας δειξει ο τσιπρας αμετανοητοι πασοκ-ΝΔ ποσα απιδια βαζει ο σακος. Τερμα πια ο φασισμος των μεγαλων ερχετε ο Αλεξης κ οποιος αντεξει!!
    Μερικοι βεβαια εχετε ανοσια μετα απο τοσα χρονια διαπλοκης αλλα το φαρμακο ΤΣΙΠΡΑΣ εινε αντιιοικο.
    Και βεβαια οχι οτι ο ΑΛΕΞ εινε κοντοφθαλμος,δεχετε και συνεργασιες αλλα οχι με παγκαλους,ρουσοπουλους,βενιζελους,βουλγαρακηδες κτλπ συναφια.
    Εδω και τωρα το μαχαιρι θα διωξει ολα αυτα τα στοιχεια που η μονη σχεση με την κυβερνηση που εχουν εινε οτι σπουδασαν κ αυτοι νομικα.

  120. Την μοδα του να πηγαίνουν σαν γύφτοι στον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας την είχε και το ΚΚΕ αλλά ο Αλαβάνος ήταν που το ξεφτίλησε και το έκανε μοδα αναμεσα τους. Αφου ο Παπουλιας δεχεται την προσβολή στον θεσμο και στο πρόσωπο του (γιατι το ξυριζα πλεόν το υπακουν και το τρεμουν ΣΧΕΔΟΝ ολοι) καλά να πάθει που τους αφηνει να έρχονται ντυμενοι λες και πανε για καφε με την κοσσοβαρα γκομενα τους. Ο Τσιπρας θα σεβαστει;
    Ωραια μηχανη, που την βρηκε; Στο προλεταριατο και στην γενια των 700 ευρω; Εκει που βρηκε ο Αλαβανος τα ορυχεια;

  121. XAXAXA...την εχουν ακουσει για τα καλα τα 2 κομματα ΠΑΣΟΚ-ΝΔ..ε...παντως πλεονεκτιμα εχει το ΠΑΣΟΚ καιοΓΑΠ οσο και να μην τον γουσταρετε εινε πλεον θεμα συνεργασιας με το ΣΥΡΙΖΑ για την ταφοπλακα τις ΝΔ.
    Ο καραμανλης θα παει στη Νατασα,ο ρουσοπουλος σπιτι του που εινε λιγο φτωχικο και εκει ψηλα που μενει κανει και πολυ κρυο!!! και ο Γαπ με ΤΣΙΠΡΑ θα προσπαθουν να κανουν μια αρχη να συμαζεψουν οτι απεμεινε.




    Ο έξυπνος

    Αλλο παλι κ τουτο οτι αν δεν φορας κουστουμι δεν σεβεσε τους θεσμους.Ρε μπας και σας εχει σαλεψει τελειος?
    Mηπως αγαπητε μου να ξαναφερουν και το συστημα τις ποδιας στα σχολια?
    Ε ρε κουνια που σας κουναγε ξερολες.
    Με τζινακι και μηχανη και αν δεν γουσταρετε ακολουθηστε την συνταγη του δικου σας του ζαχοπουλου.

  126. Μέγας ο μισθός σου , που τις ανόητες και ύπουλες υποθέσεις τις έκανες θέσεις εργασίας! Έτσι δουλεύετε χρόνια τώρα υποσκάπτοντας ύπουλα και καταχθόνια με δήθεν αφελείς υποθέσεις-ερωτήσεις τη βάση του ΓΑΠ!
    Λίγη ντροπή κάνει καλό!



  128. Κοστούμι φοράς οπουδήποτε πρέπει να είσαι ευπρεπής καιευπαρουσιαστος. Γι αυτο λέμε οτι δεν είναι όλα τα ντυσιματα για όλες τις ώρες. Αλλο στο κρεββατι, άλλο στον καφε, άλλο σε μια συνεντευξη εργασίας, άλλο σε μια κοινωνική εκδήλωση. Το να είσαι ευπαρουσιαστος και χωρις να μοιαζεις στους κολλητους σας τους αλβανους, υποδηλώνει έναν στοιχειώδη σεβασμο απέναντι στον πρώτο πολιτη της χωρας που επισκέπτεσαι σαν δημοσιο πρόσωπο.

    Αλλα απο άπλυτους τι θα ακουσεις;

  129. Καλα εδω μεσα εχει πολλα οργια.
    το πρες μαλλον επιστρεφει στα παλια.
    Καψαμπελη που εισε να δεις την ανοδο αγορι μου.

  130. Οι άπλυτοι ειναι υποχρεωμένοι να δικαιολογήσουν το νέο τρεντυ αφεντικο τους.

  131. 3.31

  132. ....αλλα δεν μας λένε ακομα εαν την μηχανάρα την καβατζωσε απο την γενια των 700 ευρω και τους άνεργους.

  133. 3.35 δεν αρρωσταινουμε γιατι πλενομαστε. Εσείς παλι...

  134. Αααα και τραβα στην λαικη αγορα τις γειτονιας σου να δεις ολους
    τους γυφτους να φορανε κουστουμια.
    Μαλον εισε εκτος εποχης μαρουλι αγαπητε μου μονο τραβα στην κρυψωνα σου.

  135. χμμμ ΥΕΑ επί χούντας ε; χμμ

    Ilithie kai pedaki toy mpampa to 1966 den itan hounta i hoynta egine to 67. Tote pou poli sosialistes simera stelnan grammata kai imnousan tin xounta ego efiga gia to eksoteriko.Ena dimosiografos egrapse to 1974 i Ellada exei 20.000.000 kai otan ton ipan oti exei 10.000.000 eipe 10.000.000 xoyntikoi prin to 74 kai 10.000.000 antisiakoi meta to 74 ara imaste 20.000.000.
    Katalabeno to ibriologio sou giati sou xalai tin isixia sikonese to proi pernis to xartziliki kai to pezis kapios giati pane kai mila kai me kanena neo sto eksoteriko an dexete na zei me ta klemena tou mpampa tou pou opos katalabeno tha ine sto dimosio (eforiakos,astinomikos,se kana ypourgio ktl) kai klebi gia na dini se sena na serfaris sto internet kai na tempeliazis . Ti sou leo ego tora gia doulia esi ise sosial listis gia doulia tha skeptese tora.
    Kolas merikes amfises kai linis to problima sou

  136. Κύριε Τσάτσο,

    Θεωρώ ότι αναφέρεστε στο Δολάριο διότι αυτό πηγαίνει όπως λέτε... κάτω...

    Αν διαβάσατε τα πρόσφατα σχόλια του διοικητή της FED θα είδατε οτι σκοπεύει να μειώσει ακόμα περαιτέρω τα επιτόκια του Δολαρίου αν και γνωρίζει ότι αυτό θα ευτελίσει παροδικά ακόμα περισσότερο το δολάριο.

    Άρα συνειδητά κάνει αυτό που κάνει.

    Να σημειώσω εδώ, κύριε Τσάτσο οτι η σημερινή αναταραχή στα νομίσματα που προέκυψε τάχα απο την αλόγιστη παροχή δανείων σε μη ειλικρινείς πολίτες, αποτελεί κατά μεγάλο ποσοστό δικαιολογία.

    Οχι πως αυτό είναι ψέμα αλλα η ουσία είναι πολυ βαθύτερη διοτι ξεκινά απο το 1985 οταν ξεκίνησε η κατασκευή παράγωγων προιόντων με τις ευχές του Γρήσπαν(τότε διοικητή της FED)για την έμμεση χρηματοδότηση των Αμερικανικών ελλειμμάτων και την εξαγωγή τους σε τρίτες χώρες... (π.χ. θεωρώ ότι δεν πιστεύετε, οτι ο πόλεμος του ΙΡΑΚ χρηματοδοτείται απο τους Αμερικανούς φορολογούμενους... θα ήταν τουλάχιστον αφελές κατι τέτοιο...)

    Με αλλα λόγια, οι Αμερικανικές τράπεζες διαμόρφωσαν προιόντα μελλοντικής εκπλήρωσης που αν δεν υπήρχε εκπλήρωση υπήρχε μόνο ζημιά για τον αγοραστή... και τα πουλούσαν ανενδοίαστα σε αδαείς διαχειριστές συνταξιοδοτικών ταμείων σε όλο τον κόσμο.

    Ορισμένα απο τα προιόντα αυτά έπαιρνα μορφή ψευτοομολόγων με εγκυρότητα εκδότη επιπέδου ΑΑΑ που ήταν συνήθως καλοσχεδιασμένη απάτη...

    Να λάβετε υπ’οψιν σας οτι μεταξύ των αδαών (ή μήπως των μιλημένων…;) υπήρξαν και διαχειριστές Ελληνικών συνταξιοδοτικών ταμείων...

    Οταν η βάση αυτής της πυραμίδας, που στην κυριολεξία ισορροπεί ανάποδα με την κορυφή στο έδαφος, κλονισθεί, τότε η κατάρρευση γίνεται πολυ ποιο γρήγορα και είναι πολυ ποιο καταστροφική διοτι συμπαρασύρει τον τεράστιο όγκο συναλλαγών που φέρνει πάνω της...

    Πρόκειται για χρήμα που δεν υπήρξε ποτέ... πρόκειται για χρήμα που βασιζόταν σε μια μη υλοποιηθείσα υπόσχεση ότι θα γινόταν πολυ περισσότερο διοτι θα γεννούσε χρήμα... ακόμα και πενήντα φορές περισσότερο απο την καταβληθείσα αξία.

    Έτσι αν η αξία ενός σπιτιού χάσει 100.000 $ η αξία των τιτλοποιημένων δανείων (ψευτοομολόγων)θα έχανε 5 δις $

    Ελπίζω να καταλαβαίνεται το μέγεθος του κινδύνου που υποχρέωσε τον Μπερνάνκι της FED να μειώσει τα επιτόκια στο δολάριο ώστε να σταματήσει τους πλειστηριασμούς και να αποκρύψει το μέγεθος της καταστροφής έως ότου η αγορά εξισορροπήσει και πάρει πάλι τα πάνω της...

    Εάν έτσι καταφέρει η πτώση της αξίας του ίδιου σπιτιού να περιοριστεί στα 30.000 $ τότε η τελική υποθετική ζημιά θα είναι 1.5 δις $, δηλαδή πολυ μικρότερη απο τα 5 δις $

    Αυτός είναι ο αγώνας αλλα και η αγωνία του Μπερνάνκι.

    Το θέμα όμως είναι πολυ ποιο σύνθετο διότι αφορά τους μηχανισμούς λειτουργίας του Καπιταλιστικού συστήματος που κανείς μέχρι τώρα δεν ήθελε να εκμυστηρευθεί στο ευρύ κοινό...

    Ήταν το μέγα μυστικό των Τραπεζιτών που αναγκάσθηκαν έμμεσα να το αποκαλύψουν στις μέρες μας αποκαλύπτοντας ταυτόχρονα οτι η τρέχουσα μορφή καπιταλιστικής ανάπτυξης έχει για τεχνικούς λόγους ημερομηνία λήξης...

    Παναγιώτης Μπαζιωτόπουλος

  137. εχω πάψει μα διασκεδαζω με την εκσταση που έχουν πάθει μερικοι με τον Τσιπρα. Αμαν πια!!! Αποφασισαν τα ΜΜΕ να σερβιρουν ενα καινουργιο προιον και οι Μαλακες παθαινουν ονοιρώξεις απανωτές.
    Στο χωριο μου λενε πως τα μυρμυγκια βγαζουν φτερα πριν πεθάνουν.


  139. Δεν ξέρω τι νομίζετε για τον Ομπάμα. Πάντως πραγματικά πιστεύω και εγώ στην ειλικρίνειά του. Μόνο και μόνο από το βλέμμα του όταν απευθύνεται στον κόσμο. Μόνο και μόνο από τη σταθερότητα των απόψεών του. Σημασία έχει να μην αλλάζεις άποψη ανάλογα με τα συμφέροντά σου. Αλλιώς σημαίνει ότι οι απόψεις σου αγοράζονται... Όταν η Χίλαρυ Κλίντον το 2002 έλεγε τα καλύτερα για τον πόλεμο στο Ιράκ και τώρα άλλαξε άποψη για ποιο λόγο το κάνει εκτός από το προσωπικό συμφέρον. Ενώ ο Ομπάμα από τότε εναντιώθηκε στον πόλεμο. Σημασία έχει λοιπόν η σταθερότητα στις απόψεις του πολιτικού. Γιατί αυτό δείχνει ότι αυτές προέρχονται από τις αξίες του (οι οποίες δεν αλλάζουν με το χρόνο) και όχι από το συμφέρον (που προφανώς μεταβάλλεται).

    Ο ανώνυμος λεχρίτης

  140. Δημοσκόπηση:

    Αν ψηφίζατε σήμερα, ποιο κόμμα θα ήταν αυτό ?

  141. Κακώς, πιστεύω ότι έγινε ο παραλληλισμός Ομπάμα-Τσίπρα. ΄Εχει ο κ.Τσίπρας σύμβουλο τον Zbigniew Brzezinski; Τον σύμβουλο επί θεμάτων εθνικής ασφαλείας του Τζίμι Κάρτερ;

    Πολλοί πολιτικοί είναι επιλεγμένοι και όχι εκλεγμένοι. Απλά εμείς επιλέγουμε να εκλέξουμε από αυτούς που άλλοι αποφάσισαν να ψηφίσουμε. Δε λέω ότι το ίδιο ισχύει και για τον κ.Τσίπρα, αλλά θα δείξει.
    Τουλάχιστον και από όσα γνωρίζω δεν είναι στη πολιτική από "κληρονομικό χάρισμα" όπως κάποιοι άλλοι, ονόματα μη λέμε...

  142. κ. Μπαζιωτοπυλε, η οπως αλλοιως σε λενε, ειχα διαβασει πολλα κομματια σου, στο μπλογκ του Μιμη και νομιζα οτι εισαι σοβαρος ανθρωπος, αλλα σημερα μ αυτα που γραφεις με μπερδευεις.
    Δηλαδη επειδη ενα καλοπαιδο 33 χρονων, εκανε ΤΖΑ, πρεπει εμεις να φωναξουμε ωσαννα;
    Με τι προσοντα;
    Επειδη ειναι απλως νεος;
    Σα να μη μας τα λες καλα.

  143. tsipras= mono ena omorfo xamogelo
    politiki miden

  144. Για τον ιδιοκτητη του βλογ.
    Γιατι αφηνεις τα σεντονια της μαλακιας και γαμουν τη ροη της κουβεντας;
    Γιατι αυτος ο μαλακας μας βαζει τι γινεται στην πατριδα του την κολομβια (και μαλιστα στα Αγγλικα), απο οπου φαινεται οτι αγοραζει πραμα και μας εχει τρελλανει ολους απο τις χαζομαρες του;



  146. Για τα καλόπαιδα του

    Πάντα Kikers φόραγαν,
    Κωλωνάκι έμεναν,
    και BMW τους καβάλαγαν.

    κάποια σχέση θα έχει!

    (αστέρι έχει
    αλλά όχι για την
    Ελλάδα μας ρε γαμώτο.
    Το πολύ πολύ τώρα που έφυγε
    ο Κούρκουλος να πάρει την θέση του)

    Σας γράφουμε Εγγλέζικα...
    γιατί αυτή είναι η επίσημη γλώσσα
    στα ιδιωτικά σχολεία που πηγαίνετε.

    Dear poor friends,

    we appreciate your effort for surviving,
    but not on our Own Major Interest and History.

    Honest Proposition:

    The name at stake as you put it is "MAKEDONIA"

    We are very polite and civilized people so we
    let you get the first syllable, "MA".
    We keep the second "KE".

    So you can be called "MADONIANS".

    This is a great advantage for you because:
    1. You can have a modern emblem in the sun of your flag.
    The famous singer "MADONΝA"
    2. You will please the USA because you are the same kind
    of products like Madonna,
    made in USA.


    I expect that you are so brave,
    that you will send an answer.

  147. kala alakse o diefthindis tis USA BANK pali,ela Aleksi i sirasou na ginis ke esi o pio plisios politikos .....??????
    ksipnate mas doulewoune den to wlepete ...19% po po pososto ....
    kala re amerikanakia oti thelete kanete ...????????


ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! Την ευθύνη για το περιεχόμενο των σχολίων φέρει αποκλειστικά ο συγγραφέας τους και όχι το site. Η ανάρτηση των σχολίων μπορεί να έχει μια μικρή χρονική καθυστέρηση